Dr Elisabetta Grendene graduated from the University of Verona – Italy Dental School in 2000, and she ended her orthodontic program at the University of Milan in 2006. She is a member of the Italian Society of Orthodontics (SIDO). She attended several orthodontic courses as the Tweed study Course with Dr Klonz, Tucson Arizona in 2001, Two year clinical orthodontic program, Milan 2004-2006 with Dr RH Roth , Dr WE Williams, Dr R Cocconi, two year orthodontic-orthognatic master with dr W. Arnett, dr S. Shendel, dr D. Hatcher, dr T. Tanaka, dr Cocconi, Roccabado, Milan 2004-2006. She has been involved in the developing a 3D project with CBCT with Dr Hatcher and Dr Cocconi. She is instuctor in the FACE Tx counting education program. She collaborates with the University of Verona in the management of surgical cases. She works in her private practice in Verona Face XP Center.